Just finished this off. I am rather happy with the look of the metal surface on this one. I went for more of a gold metallic look to this instead of the flat brass look of the original prop.
The Doctors Electric guitar and portable amp. I have a few more high-res images of these in my blog post http://www.interocitor-media.com/tardis/doctor-disco/
Gallifrey Falls No More!! I made this from A LOT of separate images, Sadly it's 2D only.
I REALLY want to know where this thing ended up?!?! Mainly because its interface was pretty damn hot!
I updated the console room with the newer railings. This was for a magazines 2 page spread.
I created the Olympia typewriter for panel 5. Here it is as a test render
Panels 2 and 3
Work on what I call panel 1
It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow.
April 25th W.I.P. update on my 2010 console room model. I've been working on the room mainly. Trying to get it right before I go onto the detail of the console... which I've been avoiding. I mean have you seen all the crap on that thing?!?!?! :) I need bet
I was able to get a sneak peek at the new 2010 TARDIS console room a while back. Now that there are actual images out I thought I'd show the 3D model I started. So yes its a work in progress! 03/29/2010
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