Dreamwatch magazine (#117) asked to use one of my renders on the front cover..sweet!!
This was done as a gift poster for Rob Schrab. He did the awesome move Robot Bastard. Go and see it. NOW!!
Mechanoid from 'The Chase'. What were they thinking??? Let's make something even MORE clumsy than a DALEK!! Then try to market it!! Between this and the Zarbi..sheesh!!
My take on the Special Weapons DALEK. I hope that the legs make the Spider-DALEK people like it :-)
Render to test scale of objects.
I wanted to test the new light rig I created. I call it "The showroom" scene. One light and radiosity
I did this last night in 3 hours. Its the DALEK Saucer from the new DVD of DALEKS:Invasion Earth. I think Nick Sainton-Clark or Mike Tucker did the original model. (Hope they don't hate me)
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